IBEW SCT9 Message 7/31/23

Published by Sharon Santos on

Brothers and Sisters,

More positive news today. The Federal Court filing brought our declared surplus and transfer of work down to 22 from the original 43. Last Thursday we announced that 6 COT’s had been removed from the list. Today we were able to get the remaining 10 COT’s removed.  

Unfortunately, we still have 2 Translations Administrators, 6 Facility Assigners and 5 Service Representatives surplus and 9 Service Representatives having their jobs transferred. The T9 has made calls and sent emails demanding information. Our goal is to achieve a voluntary exit offer, but we need to prepare for the worst. The Company still has not agreed to discuss the lay off process (Article G20) with us. This is unacceptable for the Company to treat its most valuable resource in this manner.

We are appreciative of everyone for your patience and support as we struggle to get answers for the membership. We will not let up on this Company and we need your help to get this done. Let management know the impact this uncertainty is having on your life!


In Solidarity,

Julie and Chris